"How do I make my business show up on Google?" - The million dollar question, literally.

Search engine optimization, also known as SEO, is the digital marketing strategy that allows your business website to rank on search engines, especially Google. It sure is a complicated process and sometimes even overwhelming for beginners. After all, numerous factors influence website performance, including keyword research, keyword placements, page structure, website user-friendliness, ALT tags, and more.


Indeed, SEO is a skill that not many possess. Business owners, for example, have a hard time optimizing their custom websites as there’s so much confusion and misinformation floating on the internet regarding SEO. But, this doesn’t mean they can never build and optimize a high-performance business website. In this guide, we will share why your website needs SEO services and what recurring SEO entails. Let’s get to it, shall we?

How does SEO work?


We kept things very simple and straightforward in this guide to help you better understand SEO and assess the services you’d need for your site. To begin with, all pages on your business website must be SEO optimized in order to reach your desired search engine positioning. For that, you’ll need to conduct extensive keyword research and shortlist search terms that can bring you organic traffic. To be precise, you’ll want to shortlist search queries that have less competition and high search volume. This is fundamental to all SEO tactics.


Once you have the search terms ready, it’s time to place them strategically throughout your website. The better you are with keyword placement, the more chances your site has to drive organic traffic. Besides this, you will have to consider factors that impact a website’s overall SEO score. Factors like a website’s backlink profile, on-page optimization, page content, meta descriptions, and others are vital to successful SEO optimization.

Why does your website need SEO services?

This makes a website’s SEO optimization an exhausting and time-consuming task. How much time are we talking here? Well, SEO is a long process, and if executed properly, it can begin reflecting results in a matter of weeks. So no, your website will not rank on Google’s first page overnight. Execute an SEO strategy yourself, and it might take months if not years to edge past your competition on Google.


●     SEO helps generate more quality leads with time

●     Ranking organically makes people trust your business more

●     Well-optimized website keeps competition at bay

●     SEO results are measurable and can be improved

●     It helps develop a high-quality user experience

●     SEO gives the opportunity to build relationships with other quality sites

●     It brings in more quality traffic

●     A major factor in promoting brand awareness


We don’t want to discourage you. But, we don’t want to keep you in the dark. SEO is a strategy best executed by a TEAM of professionals that know what they are doing. Optimizing your site singlehandedly, with all the other obligations you have in life, is an impractical pursuit. An exercise in futility like that might even worsen your site’s health and performance. You’ll need to strictly follow the best and latest SEO practices to make the strategy work in 2022.

Ready to start SEO in Houston? 

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